from scipy.optimize import root,fsolve import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt flag = 1 result,axis = [],[] ###result是最后的y轴数据,axis是最后的x轴数据 while flag<100: mu = 0.7 sigma = 10 tau = 0.6 f = flag L1 = f * mu / 100 L2 = mu - L1 ###设定参数 def f1(w): return np.array([w[0] * L1 - mu * (((L1 / L2) * (w[0] * tau / w[1]) ** (1 - sigma)) / ( 1 + (L1 / L2) * (w[0] * tau / w[1]) ** (1 - sigma)) * ((1 - mu) / 2 + w[0] * L1) + ((L1 / L2) * (w[0] / (w[1] * tau)) ** (1 - sigma)) / ( 1 + (L1 / L2) * (w[0] / (w[1] * tau)) ** (1 - sigma)) * ( (1 - mu) / 2 + w[1] * L2)), w[1] * L2 - mu * (1 / (1 + (L1 / L2) * (w[0] * tau / w[1]) ** (1 - sigma)) * ( (1 - mu) / 2 + w[0] * L1) + 1 / (1 + (L1 / L2) * (w[0] / (w[1] * tau)) ** (1 - sigma)) * ( (1 - mu) / 2 + w[1] * L2))]) ###求解方程--1 sol_fsolve = fsolve(f1, [1, 1]) ###求解方程--2 sol_list = list(sol_fsolve) ###将方程的解集的格式转化为list sol_w1 = sol_list[0] sol_w2 = sol_list[1] W1 = float(sol_w1) W2 = float(sol_w2) ###将方程的解的格式转化为float print('W1,W2:',W1,W2) print('type of W1 and W2:',type(W1),type(W2)) P1 = ((f / 100) * (W1 ** (-(sigma - 1))) + (1 - f / 100) * (W2 / tau) ** (-(sigma - 1)))**(1/(1-sigma)) print('P1:',P1) P2 = ((f / 100) * ((W1/tau) ** (-(sigma - 1))) + (1 - f / 100) * W2 ** (-(sigma - 1)))**(1/(1-sigma)) print('P2:',P2) ###计算价格指数 omega1 = W1 * P1**(-mu) omega2 = W2 * P2**(-mu) ###将名义价格转化为实际价格 real_wage_ratio = omega1 / omega2 result.append(real_wage_ratio) axis.append(f/100) ###将运算结果添加入x轴和y轴数据库 flag += 1 print('result:',result) Y = np.array(result) print('Y:',Y) X = np.array(axis) ###将list转化为np.array格式 print('X:',X) print(result[49]) plt.plot(X,Y,'.',color = 'green') ###散点图 plt.plot(X,Y,color = 'red',linewidth = 2) ###拟合图 plt.xlim(0,1) plt.ylim(0.9,1.1) ###限定坐标轴上下限 plt.xlabel('f') plt.ylabel('ω1/ω2') plt.title('labor distribution and real wage ratio') ###坐标轴标签和表格标题 plt.text(0.5,1.08,r'$\mu=0.7,\ \sigma=10,\ \tau=0.6$') ###表明参数值 plt.xticks([0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1]) ###限定横坐标标志点的值 t = 0.5 plt.plot([t,t],[0,result[49]],color = 'blue',linewidth = 2.5,linestyle = "--") plt.plot([0,1],[result[49],result[49]],color = 'blue',linewidth = 2.5,linestyle = '--') plt.annotate('stable equlibrium',xy = (0.5,result[49]),xytext = (0.6,1.02),arrowprops = dict(facecolor = 'black')) ###标注均衡点 plt.annotate('unstable equlibrium',xy = (axis[21],result[21]),xytext = (0.2,0.96),arrowprops = dict(facecolor = 'black')) plt.annotate('unstable equlibrium',xy = (axis[-28],result[-28]),xytext = (0.7,0.96),arrowprops = dict(facecolor = 'black')) ###显示绘图结果